This 2019 to 2024 accessibility plan outlines the policies and actions that Saatchi & Saatchi will put in place to improve opportunities for people with disabilities in accordance with the requirements communicated under the
Integrated Accessibility Standards, Ontario Regulation 191/11.
Statement of Commitment
Saatchi & Saatchi believes in equal opportunity and is committed to providing a barrier-free environment that allows all people to maintain their independence and dignity. As an organization, we respect and uphold the requirements set forth under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (2005) and its associated Regulations and strive to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities in a timely and effective manner.
General Requirements
Accessibility Requirement: | Establishment of accessibility policies |
Compliance Deadline:
On Going
Current Barriers:
Current policies are accessible to the general population at Saatchi and Saatchi. All documents are stored on a communal drive. Current barrier – Accessibility of these documents to the blind
Plan to Meet Requirements:
Policies will be provided in a format that aligns with their screen reader
Responsible Authority:
100% Accessible Policies.
Accessibility Requirement: | Designing/ procuring or acquiring self-serve kiosks |
Current Barriers:
Not Applicable
Accessibility Requirement: | Training on IASR and the Human Rights Code |
Compliance Deadline:
Current Barriers:
Information and Communications Standard
Accessibility Requirement: | Feedback Process, Accessible Format, Communication support and Website |
Compliance Deadline:
On Going
Current Barriers:
Currently Saatchi is reachable via phone, email, mail and in person. Our Website is also being updated to align with AODA guidelines
Plan to Meet Requirements:
The HR team and leaders within the organization are available to provide necessary accessibility support. The new website will be live by January 2022.
Responsible Authority:
HR, IT, Compliance and online media support teams
Accessible feedback process
Accessibility Requirement: | Emergency procedures, plans or public safety information |
Compliance Deadline:
July 2022
Current Barriers:
Work from Home and move to new location
Plan to Meet Requirements:
Our Emergency procedures will be developed and available to all once we have returned to the office and are working at the new location. We have all processes in place to develop an individual emergency response plan as needed.
Responsible Authority:
Updates Policies
Employment Standard
Accessibility Requirement: | Recruitment, Assessment and Selection processes |
Compliance Deadline:
Current Barriers:
We are committed to providing a fair and accessible recruitment experience and will continue training all employees involved in the process, to ensure awareness and inclusive practices.
Accessibility Requirement: | Documented individual accommodation plans |
Current Barriers:
No current barriers – All documents are available and will be implemented as needed
Accessibility Requirement: | Return to work process |
Current Barriers:
Not Applicable - Saatchi and Saatchi work on an individual case basis in alignment with benefits provider and EAP support.
Accessibility Requirement: | Performance management process, Career Development and Advancement and Redeployment |
Current Barriers:
No Accessible format available
Plan to Meet Requirements:
Currently utilizing a global system that is outside of local ability to augment system. Assistance to be provided on a case-by-case basis.
Responsible Authority:
HR and Management
Transportation Standard – Specialized Transportation
Current Barriers:
Due to the infrequent and diverse travel requirements – HR, compliance and Administration will work together for each request received.
Plan to Meet Requirements:
Travel request practice support all in need under the guide of AODA provision will be provided
Design of Public Spaces ( Accessibility Standards for the Built Environment )
Under the building design of Choice properties. Will collaborate with Choice properties to procure the accessibility polices and ensure that all employees and visitors are duly informed.
Customer Service Standards
Customer service policy in place with the Saatchi AODA booklet – available on the company server and email distribution.
Review and Update
This document was updated on December 1, 2022 and must be reviewed and updated by December 1, 2023